It's been a good year for us and we've been listing our achievements this year on the house project. It's great to be able to list what you've done, when life gets in the way it's easy to see all the things still to do. So today we're celebrating how far we've come.
So here's what we can remember that happened this year:-
- Pointing the house was finished
- Finished painting baby girl's room
- Renovated my chair
- Serviced the mower
- We got planning permission to build an extension (thank God)
- We put up the chicken pen to keep the fox out
- We built the children a play area and the play house
- The vegetable beds and greenhouse were built
- The boiler was moved
- The services were dug for the cabin
- Little man's room was gutted, then insulated, boarded, plastered, painted and wallpapered.
- The fireplace was stripped and repainted
- We removed the old kitchen and put in a new (to us) kitchen.
- Tiled the new kitchen
- Laid the concrete pad for the cabin
- Built cabin
- Painted cabin again and again and again... then again
- Hatched baby chicks
- Grew mountains of fruit and veg and preserved loads of it
We also managed to cook, clean, go to work, live life, go on holiday and kept both kids alive all year!
Go team Udall.
Let's be clear all our results came as a result of hard work and so much support and help from our friends and family, so thanks guys.
Wishing you all a fantastic 2016
A few photos of our year follow