Sunday, 18 November 2018

Halloween 2018

It's been a few weeks but I've been away with work so I'm just catching up. 

We decided to have a little party for the kids for Halloween. 

James and I spent the week before making some gravestones and putting together a fire pit in the woods. We made a trip to Bookers and some bought tubs of sweets, there was more sugar in our house than in Tate and Lyle's factory!  We also got some Halloween bits from poundland and spent the day putting it all together. 

A few hours before everyone arrived we hung candles from the trees in jars and hid buckets of sweets around the paddock. Our kids were so helpful and enjoyed the set up with us. 
All the kids had fun hunting for sweets and the adults got to have a good catch up, which I enjoyed, it's been so hectic around here I've not really kept up with everyone. 

Here's hoping the kids will remember it when they get older with fondness.